Start Downsizing Sooner Than Later
Many of us have large homes full of things we worked hard for, maybe things for our children or our own enjoyment. Some of us worked full-time, and had the money to purchase pretty much anything we wanted and a place to store all of our treasures. But as we start thinking about cutting back on our jobs or retiring altogether it becomes clear that we no longer need the large home and three-car garage plus a storage shed. Traveling more often, and taking care of a yard and garden less, becomes more attractive with every passing year. Start decluttering your home now and save time in the overall process.
Be prepared for the fact that your children will probably not want most of your stuff. They love you dearly, but new generations are more mobile and career-oriented, they prefer small spaces, and accumulate fewer items to clutter their lives. Evidence of this is the glut of items being donated, auctioned off, sold online, or simply tossed. But do not feel hurt or depressed about this, feel liberated. Know that your things are going to a better place and enjoy the space.
Start whittling away at the possessions you treasured in the past, things that you used and needed that no longer serve a purpose in your life. Reduce the burden of too much stuff and enjoy a new sense of freedom. When that new condo in Palm Springs you have always dreamed of suddenly becomes available, make sure your ready to scoop it up and move in.